Consistently Planning Your Content

content creation how to planning
Content Planning

I know, being consistent in content planning can be tough!!! 


How many times have you told yourself that this is the month you're going to get your content planned, created and ready ahead of time, only to find yourself scrambling at the last minute, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated that you're not getting the results you want? I've been there too, even as a social media coach and manager… You may have noticed times that I’ve been a little MIA on the ‘gram 🙈

But it's time to break that cycle and make a change! Planning and organising your content is key to your success, especially as the middle of the year is approaching and everyone is in need of a good break.

So, let me share with you my personal approach to planning my own content 🚀

First things first, you need to know what to post.

▶︎ Start by outlining your content pillars
▶︎ identifying your goals for the month
▶︎ determining who you're speaking to
▶︎ deciding how many posts you'll be doing per week or month
​​▶︎ and selecting the type of content you'll be posting, whether that's reels, photos, graphics, or something else.

Next, write down your ideas, pain points, and pleasure points related to your content. This will help you come up with engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Once you have your ideas, it's time to start creating! Batch your content, whether it's creating reels, graphics, or taking photos, and write your captions.

Then, schedule everything in Planoly or another scheduling tool, so you're ready to go .

And look, if you’re reading this and you’re like this is great! But I still don’t have time to do it! You can always reach out to me and my team and we can do it for you 🤌🏽. We offer social media management services, so you can focus on your business while we take care of your content.

Right now I’m doing some work Wednesdays + Fridays as I have help with Navy on these days. So if you want to book a call I’ve opened up my calendar on these days. Click on the image below to book a call ⤵️

Have a lovely week!

Ela xx

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