The Summer Vibes Story Pack has been designed to spice up your Instagram stories with a little touch of SUMMER!
As well as being a lot of fun! They are the perfect way to start decorating and adding more detail to the content you create.
Inside you will find a collection of 231 graphics all in PNG format, which you will download, unzip and simple copy & paste them onto your stories.
Once downloaded and unzipped you will find a guide on how to use them or you can head to my Instagram @elamazurcreative and check out my highlight called Stickers.
You can use them for both IOS and Android, however Android users must use a third party app such as GBOX or SWIFTKEY.
Andriod users watch this video.
Unzipping Your File
PC- Double click the file (or right-click) the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
MAC- Double click the file and it will begin to download. Go to Downloads and then save the folder to your iCloud which you can access on your phone. OR Airdrop them to your phone and save them in an album called IG Stickers.
IPHONE - You can use the app iZip and then save them in a folder in your photos or in iCloud ALTHOUGH it is much easier to unzip the file on your computer and then Airdrop them to your phone.
Watch THIS VIDEO to learn how to download them to your phone.
Everything in this pack was created by Skyla from @studiosklya and me.